一、基本聯絡資料 Basic Contact Information

請準確填寫,所提供的資料將顯示於正式發票(invoice)上。 Please fill in all requested information correctly. Information provided will be shown on the official invoice.

二、機構/參加者背景 Background of Organisation/Participants

請盡量提供詳情,以便為您度身訂造活動 Please provide information as detailed as possible so that we can design the most suitable program for you.
例:義工小組、公開招募… e.g. volunteer group, free application, etc.

三、活動日期、時間及地點 Date, time and location of the program

1. 必須於活動前最少兩個月提交預約申請 Must submit the application form at least two month ago before the program 2. 活動提供時段:每日早上9時30分至晚上9時30分 Available time period for the program:Mon-Sun 9:30am-9:30pm
請註明上午/下午/晚上、開始 - 完結時間 Please state clearly if it is morning, afternoon or evening, and the start and finish time
請註明上午/下午/晚上、開始 - 完結時間 Please state clearly if it is morning, afternoon or evening, and the start and finish time
請留意後頁「條款及注意事項」5B Please read the terms and condition 5B on the next page
請注意活動設有人數上下限,若參加者不足20位,會以20位費用計算。 Please be noted that our program has its upper and lower limit of no. of participants. Even though there are fewer than 20 participants, 20-persons payment is still charged.
最多3位,可免費從旁觀察 Maximum 3 people are allowed for free observation.
英語活動將收取額外費用,詳情請留意條款及注意事項1.I Please refer to T&C1.I (additional charges) for English programme

四、活動計劃 Program planning

以下優惠收費只適用於全日制學生及六十歲或以上的長者 The Preferential programme fee is only applicable to students with whole-day schooling and senior citizens aged 60 or above

網上歷耆活動將於2020年12月1日後提供 Intergenerational communication online workshops will be available after 1st Dec 2020.
B1、B4:每年5-9月期間暫停 B1、B4:Not available during May-Sep each year
#B5、C5-與樂施會互動教育中心合辦 Co-organized with OXFAM Hong Kong.請到以下網頁報名 Please visit this website for application : http://goo.gl/fWqjjg
如有困難而需要申請減費,請列明原因,我們會酌情處理 If you want to lower the charge because of some difficulties, please state it below for us to consider.

1. 活動報名及繳款

A. 必須於活動前最少兩個月提交預約申請,本公司收到申請後,將於五個工作天內回覆並發出發票。

B. 請於本公司所發出的發票後五個工作天內繳交全費,如未能於限期內繳交全費,必須簽署及填妥發票的延期繳費申請以確實,否則所選擇的場次將會被取消。

C. 一經繳費或簽署發票的延期繳費申請,日期及時間不得更改。

D. 已確實的活動恕不接受退款或取消,並須繳付上述費用。如人數不足,仍須繳付全數的金額。如人數比原定有所增加,則須補付額外費用。

E. 本活動設有最低人數要求,若參加人數不足20位,會以20位費用計算。

F. 能提供活動時段:早上9時30分至晚上9時30分

G. 本公司保留修改活動內容及安排之權利,而不作個別通知。

H. 「偏遠地區收費」: 若活動場地位於離島區,將加收港幣500元作額外運輸費用並於發票中確認。

I. 「英語活動收費」: 將每一場另加收港幣500元作額外人手安排,金額會在發票中確認。

J. 「晚間活動收費」: 晚上6時或以後開始的活動設有晚間收費,將每一場另加收港幣500元作額外人手及運輸費安排,金額會在發票中確認。

K. 「假日活動收費」:於星期日或公眾假期活動設有額外收費,另加收港幣500元作額外人手及運輸費安排,金額會在發票中確認。

L. 「Plan D活動人手安排」: 為提升活動的效益,參與Plan D活動的機構須派出同工協助活動舉行,同工人數將與參加人數掛鉤,詳情可與Eldpathy職員聯絡

M. 「物資運送額外收費」:活動地點如需行樓梯到達,機構/學校必須提早告知,並負責安排機構/學校人手協助搬運物資,否則需另加收港幣500元作額外運輸安排。

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2. 惡劣天氣或突發情況安排

A. 如天文台於活動3小時前取消8號或更高熱帶氣旋(下稱「8號風球」)或黑色暴雨警告訊號(下稱「黑雨」),所有已預約活動均會如常進行。如受教育局的停課指引下而受影響的學校活動則不在此限

B. 當天文台於活動開始前3小時至活動完結期間,發出8號風球之兩小時預警或8號風球,所有活動均會即時終止並不設改期。

C. 當天文台於活動期間發出3號風球、黃雨、紅雨、黑雨或雷暴警告,室內活動如常進行;為安全起見,室外活動會改於室內進行。本公司無需因天氣關係所作出的活動修改而退款。

D. 所有因應教育局停課而取消之活動不設改期及退款。

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3. 有關參加者資料私隱事項

A. 收集個人資料聲明:根據個人資料(私隱)條例第十八、二十二及附表一載列的第六原則,申請人有權要求查閱及更正表格內所提供的個人資料。

B. 本公司會把申請人於表格內所提供之個人資料存檔。申請人如欲查閱及更正本表格所收集的個人資料,請聯絡本公司。(電郵: info@eldpathy.hk)

C. 本公司將會拍攝活動過程以作內部檢討、訓練、出版及宣傳之用。如參加者有任何疑問,請預先向本公司提出。

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4. 活動免責聲明 A.本公司並沒有

A. 本公司並沒有責任或義務承擔任何參加者在不論任何原因下而引致的任何損失、損壞或損傷,包括財物或個人損傷等。

B. 活動皆按整體需要而設計及安排,惟參加者參與此等活動時,應遵守帶領者之指引及安排,並先衡量個人的年齡、體格、健康狀況,以評估應否參與,自行購買保險,並須承擔由此而引致的一切責任後果。

C. 所有的條款及注意事項以網上中文版為準,且本公司保留一切條款解釋之權利 (網址:www.eldpathy.hk)

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A. 除計劃B5外,貴機構需就活動自行準備場地。若由本公司提供場地,需額外收費。

B. 如選用到校/到會服務,請安排能容納所有參加者的活動室/禮堂,並請準備:足夠的椅子圍圈、能移動的桌子數張、無線或有線咪、白板及白板筆 或 黑板及粉筆、電腦、投影機及音響設備

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A. 參加者須準時到達,如未能按時到達,本公司有權取消部份活動。

B. 參加者須按導師指示穿著及使用高齡者體驗衣。如高齡者體驗衣因參加者不當的使用而損壞或遺漏,本公司有權向參與機構索償。

C. 參加者應穿著合適衣服進行活動,如輕便服飾及運動服,亦避免穿著裙子及拖鞋。

D. 體驗活動只適合小五或以上的對象參加。

E. 體驗衣約有 8-10磅,穿上體驗衣會對身體做成一定程度的壓力,用以模擬長者的身體狀況。於正常使用下對身體不會有長遠影響,為確保安全,Eldpathy導師對活動安排有最終決定權。團體負責人宜先衡量參加者體格及健康狀況(如應剔除曾患有嚴重脊柱側彎人士參加),以評估應否參與。



1.Application and payment

A. Applications must be made at least two month prior to planned date of activity. Upon receiving application, we would reply within five working days with the invoice enclosed.

B. Failure to pay in full or to sign the confirmation in invoice within five days after receiving the invoice would result in cancellation of the activity.

C. The date could not be changed after payment or confirmation.

D. Refunds nor cancellations are applicable to confirmed events. The confirmed event charges must be paid by the organization. If the number of participants are lower than expected, the original fee still applies. Shall there be extra participants, extra charges are to be paid according to the number of additional participants.

E. A minimum participant number of 20 is required for our activities. Groups lower than this number would be charged the fee equivalent to 20 participants.

F. We provide activities from 0930 to 2130.

G. We reserve the right to amend the content and arrangements of the activities without further notice.

H. If the site of the activity is located in the Islands district, an extra HKD$500 amount would be levied as a ’remote area charge’. The amount would be detailed in the invoice

I. Extra HKD$500 amount will be charged for additional staff to facilitate in each English programme. The amount will be detailed in the invoice.

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2.Arrangements in case of bad weather or other capricious events

A. All booked activities would be held as normal shall tropical cyclone warning signal No. 8 or black rain signals by the Hong Kong Observatory are cancelled at least three hours prior to scheduled starting time of event. However, school activities which are affected by school suspension upon guidelines of Education Bureau will be rescheduled, while condition 2A does not apply.

B. The activity will be terminated if pre-no.8 special announcement is hoisted by the Observatory during or 3 hours prior to scheduled starting time of the booking. No booking changing is allowed

C. Shall the Observatory issue any of the following warnings—Amber, Red and Black rainstorm signal, No.3 wind signal or thunderstorm warnings, all indoor activities would be conducted as normal, whilst outdoor activities would be moved indoors. No refunds would be offered due to changes arising from weather.

D. Cancellation of workshops due to class suspension by EDB will neither be rescheduled nor refunded.

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3. Personal Data Collection Statement

A. Declaration of collection of personal data: According to the Personal Data(Privacy) Ordinance, the applicant has the right to view and/or amend the personal details provided

B. Eldpathy keeps personal details provided by applicants. If the applicant desires to view and/or amend the personal details provided, please contact us. (e-mail :info@eldpathy.hk)

C. Eldpathy films activities for internal review, training, publication and promotions. Shall there be any queries, please contact us beforehand

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4. Disclaimer

A. By using our services, you agree, to the extent permitted by law, to indemnify and hold Eldpathy, its employee s, its volunteers and its affiliates harmless with respect to any harms and damages, whether physical, emotional, or lost of property. In other words, we are not responsible for any losses, injuries etcetera occurring during our activities arising from any reason.

B. The activity is based on holistic needs. Nevertheless, participants should follow the guidance of facilitators, consider the physique, age, health conditions and other factors to decide whether they should take part, purchase their own insurance and b ear all risks and responsibilities associated.

C. These terms and conditions are available in Chinese and English. Shall conflicts arise due to discrepancies in translation or otherwise, the most update version in Chinese version (www.eldpathy.hk) shall prevail.

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5.Venue Arrangement

A. Except for plan B5, necessary facilities are to be arranged by the organisation booking the activity. Extra charges would be incurred if the facilities are arranged by Eldpathy.

B. Activities of a ‘delivered’ nature, e.g. at a particular school, requires an activity room capable of holding all participants, as well as sufficient chairs to form a circle, a few movable tables, microphones(wired or wireless), a computer, a projector and AV equipment.

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6.Waiver and Indemnity

A. Participants should arrive punctually. We reserve the right to cancel parts of the activity if participants are not punctual.

B. Participants should follow instructions on how to wear the experiential suits. We reserve the right to recover damages from the applying organisation arising from dam ages and/or losses to the suit components due to improper use by participants

C. Participants should wear light clothing and avoid garments such as dresses and slippers.