Founded in 2013 after winning the champion of Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge 2012, Eldpathy is a Hong Kong social enterprise which specializes in providing corporate training workshops to business organizations & education workshops to different educational institutions and non-profit organizations. Eldpathy aims to nurture public’s empathy and understandings toward the mental and physical needs of the elderly.

Elderly Simulation Programs in HK

Elderly in the Society

Facilities and Policies
Who is Eldpathy?
Service Target

Schools & Youth Organisations
Through experiential learning, we would like to build empathy and educate youngsters to understand more about aging population and elderly in town by giving them fun, valuable and special simulation experience.
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Highly customized for corporates, our elder instructors and corporate trainers will transform participants into ``elderly``, and to explore ``Silver Hair Market`` opportunities together; build and develop better team or fulfill Corporate Social Responsibilities.
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NGOs and Elderly Related Services
By changing the role of care-givers and care-takers, the training enables nursing and elderly care industry to experience how user feel, leading to give better love and care in service. It also applies for social workers, nurses, physiotherapists,
occupational therapist and teachers.
Learn moreoccupational therapist and teachers.
Our Impact

Through the effort of our inter-generational team, we promote sense of worthiness and accomplishment of the elderly in Hong Kong. At the same time, we build the empathy of participants towards the elders with better understanding and communication.